Saturday, December 10, 2011

Re-Cap of the year!

Since the year is almost over I thought I would take a second and just look back on the past year and make a list of the things I have learned some important and some not so much.... yet all lessons learned!
Soooo here we go:

1) I learned that children are truly a blessing from God. (i already knew this but it was brought even clearer to me this year)

2) I learned that money is NOT everything...yeah it does help pay the bills but if you have nothing else to live for money is NOTHING !!

3) I learned that life throws us some major turns and the devil will do his best to destroy us but IF we turn to GOD he can and he will lift us back up and put us on our feet.

4) I learned I have a lot more inner strength than I thought I had.

5) I learned just because someone SAYS they are your friend does NOT mean they are your friend.

6) I have learned to listen to my heart and to my gut. Often they are both right.

7) I have learned what unconditional love is.. and what it's like to love somebody so much you would do ANYTHING to protect them and your relationship with them.

8)I have learned to cherish all moments in life..good,bad and ugly.

9) I learned that even when I am sitting down with NOTHING in me to get back up, when the world seems dark with no light at the end of the tunnel I CAN pick myself up and with GOD'S help move on.

10) I have learned what it's like to fall in love with your soul mate and to continue to fall in love with him day after day!

11) I have realized I don't need alot of people in my life just the ones that really matter.

12) I have learned that GOD is my rock without him I am nothing with him I am everything.

13) I have realized I can move forward and forget the past...

14) I can have a better life and more than that I DESERVE a better life.

15) I have learned how to cherish cuddeling with my babies, how to cherish the kisses and hugs when they are there and how to allow a young tween to have his space but at the same time make sure he knows I love him and I am here if he wants to talk.

16) I have found new friends that I will never forget and "friends" i pray I do forget.

17) I have learned that just because somebody played a part in making you does not mean they deserve the right to play a part in your life.

18) I have learned to love my mom even more.

19) I have learned sometimes you recieve closure when you least expect it from people you never thought you would get it from.

20) I have learned about pain, cheating, lieing, unconditional love, true friends, people who judge you, GOD and miracles..

This year has been overwhelming and although it has bad parts the good so out weigh the bad. I am sitting in a beautiful home and I am loved by an amazing man, I have GOD gifted friends, my mom is healthy, my grandmother is still with us, my nephews and nieces are perfect and my families both in florida and alabama are a blessing. For all the ups and downs I would not trade a thing in the end when its all said and done this crazy year brought me to where I am now and right now I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here!!!

Love and hugs,

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