Saturday, September 3, 2011

Letting God teach me to be humble!

So here is my first post on my NEW blog.... I felt EVERYTHING needed to change because well everything in my life IS changing. God often teaches me things AFTER I open my big mouth and before I THINK about what I may or may not have said....Funny how he does that to me. Could be a lesson in there perhaps I need to think that through a little more. ANWAY back on track here...Recently I discovered that somebody had purposely TRIED to cause some problems in my life. Somebody I do NOT like and does not like me. I was mad... I was beyond mad..and my sweet Chad was NOT a happy camper either. Seems in the past few months I have had several of these types of attacks and although I try to move on and forgive I have not really been successful at this. This morning though after spending last night talking to someone about it and talking to chad about it and stewing over it I felt like GOD was trying to show me something. I ignored his voice of reasoning at first BECAUSE what he had to say well it was not really what i wanted to hear but I knew I needed to listen. So after Chad got to bed and the house was quiet I slipped into what will soon be "Our office" and listened.
" you have to forgive them ALL of them" really this is what you want me to do God SERIOUSLY??? I knew the answer did not even wait i knew what had to be done. So I asked God to take away my inability to forgive because frankly some of the people that have hurt me in the past few months well for me to forgive on my own it wouldn't happen however GOD in his merciful way was able to help me do that. I realize now that by forgiving them for what they did to me, no matter how painful it was, I can now move on and move forward.
God has blessed me so much that I feel being obedient to what HE wants for me is not something I have to really think through it's just something that MUST be done.
I do not understand the reasoning behind this most recent attack but I feel like there are some lessons to be learned in all of this. I want to be able to teach "my children" how to forgive and I can not do that If I myself can not forgive someone for hurting me. I want to set the example that Christ has put in me to set and I can not do that if I am living a life that will not allow me to be able to forgive and be humble. God has his reasons for allowing things to happen the way they do sometimes and although we as his children may not always understand we can rest assured if there is a lesson to be learned and we are willing than we can learn it. I want GOD to teach me all he can so that I can be all he requires of me to be. I refuse to sit and stew and get mad over somebody elses said attempts at attacking me instead I am moving forward and moving on and letting GOD fight for me.. after all he really is the better person at that anyway!
First lesson since back in Georgia now learned....forgiveness...humbleness and speaking my mind....well two out of three isn't too bad now is it! :0) I am so glad God loves me despite my faults!
With Christ ALL things are possible!Francine

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