Friday, February 3, 2012

It's been a while............................

To say the past few weeks have been some of the hardest AND some of the most amazing weeks would be putting it mildly in every way possible. As many of you already know and based on my last post my sweet and precious Granny Parker passed away and Chad and I quickly packed our bags and headed to FL to be with family for the funeral. Now let me just add right here I have known since the day I laid eyes on Chad that he was without a doubt the most amazing man I have EVER had the honour of knowing BUT this just defined that even more... This man stepped in and not only protected and watched over me but was there for my mother and family helping matt as well. Chad NOT knowing anyone as he went to Florida still found a way to comfort me, be there for my mom and make her feel like he had always been a part of the family AND show my sweet babies he will be an Uncle they will always LOVE! I don't know how somebody does that.....but that man stepped up and did it. I have NEVER been so proud of someone in my life. Often very quiet not saying much yet knowing exactly when to take my hand, when to put his arm around me, when to crack a joke with the kids, when to make mom laugh or my sister or bro-in-law...he just knew and he won everybody in my family over. I knew my oldest nephew would take the most because he was sooooo hurt by my ex yet Chad did it...he won him over. It just confirmed in my heart what I have always known God made that man FOR ME!!!!!
I am humbled and brought to tears and sooooo thankful for this quiet,strong,faithful and loving man!
Sooo after granny's funeral we decided to lighten the mood, we would take the kids to the beach and we talked MOM into going with us however the joke was on me because mom and chad HAD A PLAN!!! We went to the beach and we were having the best time.. mom was chilling on the blanket for a bit and the kids were playing with chad and I was taking pictures...suddenly Chad disappears. I asked mom where he went, she said he went to the truck and i am thinking 20mint later "did the man get kidnapped?" lol finally i turn around and see him. Mom while he was gone had said when he gets back why don't yall go for a walk and ill watch the kids..hmmmm ok...NOW I'm a tad suspicious but I will go with it! So we go for a little walk and all of the sudden he stops and we are looking at the water just chit chatting and the next thing I know chad is on one knee asking me to marry him. Let me just tell you there ARE things that NEVER, EVER leave your mind. Seeing that man on his knee asking ME to MARRY HIM I will NEVER forget that picture or the words he used to ask me! Of course I said yes and my ring is PERFECT! I love it! I was sooo excited and my sister was as well. Life had knew meaning. Such a sad start to the week yet such a sweet ending ........He did it again! :0)
Now that I am back home and trying very hard to find a good balance..... I'm still mourning the loss of my grandmother but at the same time I feel this STRONG desire to want everything in my life to be what GOD intended for it to be. Which means I have to make some hard decisions and honestly MANY people will probably NOT understand why I will do some of the things I will do. I feel that I need to remove some people from my life, I need to close some doors, I need to NOT feel that I have to chase people to be my friends, I need more than ever STRONG BONDS with family, I need to make sure I am the AUNT ALL my nieces and nephews deserve and the Aunt they can look up too. I need to follow my heart and take a leap of faith and go for what I feel GOD and I want me to do with my life career wise. I need to take care of myself in my health,spiritual,mental and any other way! Trying to find balance in a crazy world is not easy but I know I am getting there...I am figuring things out and I am realizing that it is time to be true TO ME! I have for far to long worried what others would think or that I wasn't strong enough, wise enough, smart enough or capable enough to do the things I really wanted to do. I gave up on ever being a MOM or WIFE because I really never thought it would happen. NOW PRAISE GOD I have been given a second chance and I WILL NOT let it go by! I will take it and I will make exactly what GOD wants it to be. My life starts with GOD and ends with GOD and in between there is Chad, nieces,nephews,family,friends,dreams,hopes,and Perfect peace.... I am undeserving but I am greatful.. Not many people get a second chance yet somehow GOD felt I should have one. I bow my head and raise my my arms to Praise him for I know it's only because he loves me sooo much! Thank you GOD ....
My promise is this......I will make GOD and Granny proud so when they look down on me and my family they can smile and know I AM OK!!!! Always in my heart and NEVER forgotten!!! I LOVE YOU GRANNY !!!!

With Christ ALL things are possible!Francine

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