Sunday, February 5, 2012

Random weekend thoughts.....

I have realized that I feel like I kinda live in a little cocoon. My work is from my house, my school is and if I go anywhere I have my sweetheart with me usually! I like it to be honest..I feel safe and protected and I can't tell you how long it's been since I felt like that.

I LOVE my hair straight and chad does as well but I am thinking about putting a straightener in it because having to use a flat iron everyday is a pain in the booty.. I mean seriously 40 mint. to straighten it everyday. ughhhhhh

I love the colors, red and creme, pink and brown and any fall color you can imagine.. just think how colorful my home will be when we build and move. HAHAH

I plan tomorrow to revamp my office. From head to toe while my sweetie sleeps and by wed. have my store ready to open. IT'S about time don't ya think??

I love being an AUNT....I think about it often and I just love being one. My nieces and nephews are the most awesome kids on the earth!

I am going to start a new book and bible study.I am pretty excited about...It's by Beth Moore in my humble opinion you can't go wrong there.

I think I have some of the most amazing friends...Far and wide..I have friends that I can count on and depend on I am blessed.

I have my mom's sewing machine and I can not tell you how excited I am to start sewing..Wooo baby pretty things are to come.

Chad is off Monday and Tuesday THANK YOU LORD!! I LOVE my "chad days" that man just makes me happy...he makes me smile...he makes me ...oh sorry you get the point right!  :0)

I had a kiwi, spinach and red pepper salad today with feta cheese and raspberry dressing. Wooo baby talk about good!

I think the benadryl is taking affect and I  need to get off here.... so till next time!
hugs and love,

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