Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wedding Talk.....prepare yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So in preparation for my upcoming wedding I have been looking at pictures and trying to make a few decisions...we are after all still in the beginning stages of all of this! I have decided on who will be in the wedding and that was a huge blessing to get figured out! I know the colors which will be red,creme and black tuxedos. We are still not sure of where and I probably won't announce that on my blog because I don't need the wrong people getting that information! So now I am looking at invitations--I want to make them, decorations, cakes and such! Dresses as well and I will share my ideas but not the final decision I will share pictures afterwards so you can see! :0)
Sooo anyway in the next few months there will be much discussion about wedding stuff please bare with me on this and understand folks I AM soooooo flipping excited to be marrying this amazingly awesome man! I AM BLESSED!
On another note-- i have noticed of recent there seems to be a trend going through the bloggy world of bloggers being just plain hateful to other bloggers. I mean I have read some seriously MEAN and HORRIBLE stuff! It breaks my heart to read and makes me want to be even more careful what I share on my blog. Because of that I have decided to fix all comments to where I will see them before they are posted and I will NOT accept anonymous comments. I have not had this problem but chad and I were talking about it today and he expressed concern as to me just watching my back just in case somebody decides to try and come after me for taking a stand on something or whatever. Out of respect for him I am going to up my security just a tad. I know though I have nothing to worry about as all my readers are wonderful and would NEVER do anything of the such!!!
Anyway I know it was boring but that is it for now!!! I will be out of pocket for the weekend I will re-cap on Sunday night..
love to you all,,,,

With Christ ALL things are possible! Francine

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