Since the year is almost over I thought I would take a second and just look back on the past year and make a list of the things I have learned some important and some not so much.... yet all lessons learned!
Soooo here we go:
1) I learned that children are truly a blessing from God. (i already knew this but it was brought even clearer to me this year)
2) I learned that money is NOT everything...yeah it does help pay the bills but if you have nothing else to live for money is NOTHING !!
3) I learned that life throws us some major turns and the devil will do his best to destroy us but IF we turn to GOD he can and he will lift us back up and put us on our feet.
4) I learned I have a lot more inner strength than I thought I had.
5) I learned just because someone SAYS they are your friend does NOT mean they are your friend.
6) I have learned to listen to my heart and to my gut. Often they are both right.
7) I have learned what unconditional love is.. and what it's like to love somebody so much you would do ANYTHING to protect them and your relationship with them.
8)I have learned to cherish all moments in life..good,bad and ugly.
9) I learned that even when I am sitting down with NOTHING in me to get back up, when the world seems dark with no light at the end of the tunnel I CAN pick myself up and with GOD'S help move on.
10) I have learned what it's like to fall in love with your soul mate and to continue to fall in love with him day after day!
11) I have realized I don't need alot of people in my life just the ones that really matter.
12) I have learned that GOD is my rock without him I am nothing with him I am everything.
13) I have realized I can move forward and forget the past...
14) I can have a better life and more than that I DESERVE a better life.
15) I have learned how to cherish cuddeling with my babies, how to cherish the kisses and hugs when they are there and how to allow a young tween to have his space but at the same time make sure he knows I love him and I am here if he wants to talk.
16) I have found new friends that I will never forget and "friends" i pray I do forget.
17) I have learned that just because somebody played a part in making you does not mean they deserve the right to play a part in your life.
18) I have learned to love my mom even more.
19) I have learned sometimes you recieve closure when you least expect it from people you never thought you would get it from.
20) I have learned about pain, cheating, lieing, unconditional love, true friends, people who judge you, GOD and miracles..
This year has been overwhelming and although it has bad parts the good so out weigh the bad. I am sitting in a beautiful home and I am loved by an amazing man, I have GOD gifted friends, my mom is healthy, my grandmother is still with us, my nephews and nieces are perfect and my families both in florida and alabama are a blessing. For all the ups and downs I would not trade a thing in the end when its all said and done this crazy year brought me to where I am now and right now I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here!!!
Love and hugs,
This blog will tell the story of my journey to loose weight and the happenings of my little family! A little bit of health, love, faith, happiness and GOD in all of it!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
My eyes were opened!
So today I had a little "wake up" call so to speak! There are times when I get so overwhelmed with life in general I forget to be thankful for the blessings in my life. I try VERY HARD to never take for granted those that mean the most to me but I won't lie by saying chad hasn't occasionally got the brunt of my frustration....I have been sooo incredibly down because of it taking so long to finish training for my job, because I feel so bad that Chad is caring the load on his own right now, because Christmas won't be much this year, because well you get the picture! Do you see anything in the middle of all that... yeah don't you just wanna say "awww poor Francine" RIDICULOUS!! Let me assure you I am not a woman that prefers others feeling sorry for me. I have a HARD time taking help from anyone, i trust very few people in this world, and I am often MY worst enemy! I think perfection is all that should come out of me and when that does not happen I really begin to feel very very upset with ME!
Soooo because of all of the above well there was a tad bit of a tiff so to speak in the "Evans" house today... whose fault was it MINE! I have no problem admitting that... I started it and none of it was Chad's fault. He just happened to be the closest person at that time. Am I proud of it ?? NO, not at all and I am not writing about this right now for somebody to feel sorry for me I have a point to all this just go with me on it! Chad is sound asleep right now because well he worked his butt off last night and he is beyond exhausted... NOBODY can fathom how incredibly PROUD of that man I am. Yet I can assure you I am... today however, this morning , well it by NO MEANS proved that at all! I feel absolutely horrible about what happened and can promise you as soon as those pretty blue eyes of his wake up I will be apologizing!
After he went to bed this morning I just had to work through what I was dealing with I did what I often do..I stopped and sat in silence. I listened and waited and than I prayed and than GOD brought me to something a little later this afternoon. I got a notice that one of my friends that blogs had posted a new post on her blog so I went to check it out and before my eyes sat what God decided to use as my humbling tool for the day! Kelly was stating how she receives soo many prayer request she doesn't have time to post them all so she started a new page just for prayer request. I clicked over and GOD started talking to me...oh my heart just hurt. I do not have a child that I have lost, I do not have a child that has cancer and could possibly die, I do not have a husband sick or ill, I am not suffering in any sense of the matter. My silly pathetic reasons for being so down were quickly diminished as I read prayer request after prayer request! My eyes filled with tears and I over and over bowed my head to pray and to ask God to forgive me. I think sometimes we get soo caught up in our own lives we FORGET that there IS more out there than just us!
I am blessed for so many reasons. So I am not working yet GOD has provided for my every need, he has lifted me up from such a bad place in my life that I sat in for over 6 years and sat me back down in such a better place. I am undeserving of those in my life that bless me every day from the love of my life Chad to my nephews and nieces -Matthew,Ryan,Brooke,Callie,Taylor and east on, to my God fearing mom who so set the bar for me, to my sister, my grandmother, my second family (Chad's mom and dad and family) , my girlfriends that are so abundant that it would take me all day to mention them, I live in a beautiful home, I am living,breathing and healthy. I am sooo blessed and yet I fail to realize how blessed I am. So much could be happening so much could be wrong and all I see is this little bad ANT hill that i want to make into a mountain. I realize and I am humbled.. I pray that as this month goes by I spend it looking to God and remembering why we are celebrating this time of the year.. I want to take time to pray for those who invest in my life and say thank you and let them know how much I love them. I want to walk away from this season in my life and feel I have learned EVERY lesson GOD wanted me to learn. My favorite song by Chris Tomlin *how great is our God* oh that song just blesses me..
Lord, let me never forget how blessed I am, let my eyes fall upon you and be greatful,thankful and humbled always. Let me never forget that you are always there and that no matter what the struggle you have my back and when the good times arrive you celebrate with me. Thank you for loving me so much that you would let your son die for me...I am so undeserving. For my Christmas present that I received about 7 months ago THANK YOU!! I promise to never take him for granted and to always do my best to not take things out on him.
Yall be blessed today....find somebody you love and tell them you love them and don't wait till tomorrow do it today!!!
Love yall
Soooo because of all of the above well there was a tad bit of a tiff so to speak in the "Evans" house today... whose fault was it MINE! I have no problem admitting that... I started it and none of it was Chad's fault. He just happened to be the closest person at that time. Am I proud of it ?? NO, not at all and I am not writing about this right now for somebody to feel sorry for me I have a point to all this just go with me on it! Chad is sound asleep right now because well he worked his butt off last night and he is beyond exhausted... NOBODY can fathom how incredibly PROUD of that man I am. Yet I can assure you I am... today however, this morning , well it by NO MEANS proved that at all! I feel absolutely horrible about what happened and can promise you as soon as those pretty blue eyes of his wake up I will be apologizing!
After he went to bed this morning I just had to work through what I was dealing with I did what I often do..I stopped and sat in silence. I listened and waited and than I prayed and than GOD brought me to something a little later this afternoon. I got a notice that one of my friends that blogs had posted a new post on her blog so I went to check it out and before my eyes sat what God decided to use as my humbling tool for the day! Kelly was stating how she receives soo many prayer request she doesn't have time to post them all so she started a new page just for prayer request. I clicked over and GOD started talking to me...oh my heart just hurt. I do not have a child that I have lost, I do not have a child that has cancer and could possibly die, I do not have a husband sick or ill, I am not suffering in any sense of the matter. My silly pathetic reasons for being so down were quickly diminished as I read prayer request after prayer request! My eyes filled with tears and I over and over bowed my head to pray and to ask God to forgive me. I think sometimes we get soo caught up in our own lives we FORGET that there IS more out there than just us!
I am blessed for so many reasons. So I am not working yet GOD has provided for my every need, he has lifted me up from such a bad place in my life that I sat in for over 6 years and sat me back down in such a better place. I am undeserving of those in my life that bless me every day from the love of my life Chad to my nephews and nieces -Matthew,Ryan,Brooke,Callie,Taylor and east on, to my God fearing mom who so set the bar for me, to my sister, my grandmother, my second family (Chad's mom and dad and family) , my girlfriends that are so abundant that it would take me all day to mention them, I live in a beautiful home, I am living,breathing and healthy. I am sooo blessed and yet I fail to realize how blessed I am. So much could be happening so much could be wrong and all I see is this little bad ANT hill that i want to make into a mountain. I realize and I am humbled.. I pray that as this month goes by I spend it looking to God and remembering why we are celebrating this time of the year.. I want to take time to pray for those who invest in my life and say thank you and let them know how much I love them. I want to walk away from this season in my life and feel I have learned EVERY lesson GOD wanted me to learn. My favorite song by Chris Tomlin *how great is our God* oh that song just blesses me..
Lord, let me never forget how blessed I am, let my eyes fall upon you and be greatful,thankful and humbled always. Let me never forget that you are always there and that no matter what the struggle you have my back and when the good times arrive you celebrate with me. Thank you for loving me so much that you would let your son die for me...I am so undeserving. For my Christmas present that I received about 7 months ago THANK YOU!! I promise to never take him for granted and to always do my best to not take things out on him.
Yall be blessed today....find somebody you love and tell them you love them and don't wait till tomorrow do it today!!!
Love yall
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Just some thoughts I wanted to share..........
Wow I did not realize that it had been so long since I had last posted! I have been sooo crazy busy with just life in general from school work, to unpacking, to decorating, going to bama, spending time with chad, getting everything set up for training for my new job and on and on and on. So I apologize yall... however I do have something on my mind and wanted to just throw it out there...
I am somewhat of an Emotional person.. I do NOT say this with shame or my head hung down I say it honestly with no regret. I am somebody who LOVES with all she has and carries her feeling very very close to her heart. Someone who has been burned one to many times and often probably more than needed pays attention to her gut feelings instead of her rational side of her brain. I do NOT feel its a bad thing most of the time but I will admit sometimes it can drive those that love me CRAZY!!!
I was thinking today about my life and all that is in it now.. I am so abundantly blessed and have so much to be thankful for yet I often will allow the devil to cause me to doubt,question or worry about things that I should not be stressing over. I am not a person to take people or things for granted simply because when I get that comfortable something always ends up happening. I even feel bad for feeling that way....I am in a new phase of my life I have this amazing boyfriend that I love more than anything in the world and that loves me the same, I have some awesome future in-laws, and I am surrounded by the friends that matter the most yet the devil still manages to sneak in there and whisper feelings of doubt and I let him have a field day..oh the things he will say to me. I realize this and need to put a stop to it.. I BELIEVE with all my heart the devil messes with those who he knows are on there way to doing great things.. I mean why mess with somebody if they are doing what he wants sooo therefore he knows where I am headed and he apparently must not like it. I know I am not alone in this struggle of being anxious and worrying but I also know I need to give it to GOD and quit allowing it to control my life. You can only blame your past for the way you are for so long and than well in the wise words of a friend of mine" you need to put your big girl panties on and get over it" soooo that is where I am now..Realizing that what is in the past is there for a reason and it has absolutely NO PLACE in my present or future. In order to be successful with my life I MUST put my faith in GOD and trust that he will take care of not only me but those that mean so much to me. I can't allow those insecurities and whispers of the devil to bother me anymore.. my GOD is a loving GOD and he will not walk away or give up on me.. he has put people in my life that love me AS I AM!! What a concept for me, as it has been a long time since that has happened. I am grateful sooo grateful for those that mean so much to me...for chad and for the life we have together! So I move forward and I vow to quit allowing the devil a playground to run around in...I vow to become even more positive and not worry so much! Will this be easy my guess probably not but can it be done ABSOLUTELY!!!! Do you struggle like this?? please tell me I am NOT the only one!!
There is a book I am just starting to read AGAIN for the 4th time and I lie not to you.....It is by my FAVORITE author Beth Moore--it is call "So long insecurity".. amazing awesome book. In it there is this thought :Beth states "This thought never grows old to me: God has NO dark side, In him there is NO darkness at all. That, beloved, is our challenge. " To let the healthy, utterly whole, and completely secure part of us increasingly overtake our earthen vessels until it drives our every emotion, reaction, and relationship. When we allow God's truth to eclipse every false positive and let our eyes spring open to the treasure we have, there in His glorious reflection we'll also see the treasure we are. And the beauty of the Lord of God will be upon us." Psalms 90:17
Praise the Lord for this....what I see as JUNK, my loving Father sees as Treasure.. I am so undeserving yet so grateful he loves me so much.. I know with God in my corner the darkness has NO WHERE to dwell and must be removed.. this could cause quite the extreme moves. If needed it will be done. I must get myself and my life where GOD wants it. I have been given such an amazing chance at life a second time. With this wonderful man and a BRIGHT FUTURE I will NOT allow anything to stand in our way. NOTHING!!!
Ladies please go with me on this but I have to step into something for a few minutes and trust me this will be as uncomfortable for you as it is for me!
Have you ever dealt with jealousy, or insecurity in your relationship? Ever felt like you weren't good enough NO MATTER WHAT HE TOLD YOU! Always felt like you couldn't measure up to the other girls that had been in his life, constantly worrying is he going to leave you, OR allowed your past to cause problems in your present??? YOU are not alone... I have felt these feeling many times.. I am lucky enough to have an amazing man that constantly reassures me and lets me know how much he loves me but even with that I still have doubt sometimes. I am not proud of it but I am learning how to fix it... Let me share some thoughts with you.
Firs of all "Insecurity lives in constant terror of loss. Insecure people are always afraid that something or somebody is going to be taken from them." sound familiar? Hold on I got more.....
God has got what we need....and it is up to us whether or not we are going to allow the worst of us to get the best of us. hmmmm CHEW on that for a second and than think on this Psalms 20:1 May the lord answer you when you are in trouble, may the God of Jacob MAKE YOU SECURE!!!
Oh somebody give me an AMEN!! There is the key ladies of insecurity let GOD make you secure. No matter how good that man is he is human and we are too...and ladies let me just say this too you IF you have to constantly be worried what he is doing and where he is at and IF he is being faithful than perhaps HE should not be in your life... and that goes for men as well perhaps SHE should not be in your life. You should be able to feel safe and know that HE/she is honest,faithful,upfront, loving,caring, God-fearing, and loves you enough to not want to break those vows you made or those commitments that you made. If that is not the case think very strongly about where you are and if they need to be there with you. Above all else GO TO GOD!! Let him give you security and put your total faith in him and than you will know you are walking in the right way. GOD IS SECURITY! Ok I am stepping down from my pedestal I pray you were able to get something from that.. and please if you can find the book by Beth Moore and read it, get your bible out with it take notes and compare it to what the bible says.. there is good stuff in there yall!!!
In closing i want to say this...I am a very passionate person, I am also very crafty by nature which basically means I am somebody whose mind goes 90 to nothing constantly, if I am watching TV i feel bad because I should be doing school work, if I'm doing school work i feel bad because I should be doing something else.. and on and on,,, I am messy at times but usually very neat, I am also a perfectionist in many areas of my life, I will take on and take on things.. I have a hard time saying no to people, I do not like letting people down and will go out of my way to put a smile on somebodies face, I am serious a lot of the time and I think way too much but I am also a very tender hearted person and very loving and caring, my family,friends and the man in my life mean everything in the world to me. I love GOD with all that is in me and I fail often but I do keep trying. God loves me for what I am and he sees where I am weak and is working on those areas with me. He brought this amazing man in my life who is tender hearted and kind and understanding.. I don't worry about where he is when he isn't with me nor do I worry about him being faithful or cheating on me.. wow that is so nice! God is giving me peace and it is wonderful! I am sooo grateful for all the lord has done. I pray that you also find peace in your life and if your dealing with any of these issues remember this GOD IS THE ANSWER!!
With Christ ALL things are possible!Francine
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
GOD is working.................................
Have you ever felt that life was getting out of hand? That your relationship with GOD was less than what it probably should be?? That you had just kinda settled for now with whatever you could get?? Well that is where I have been lately.... I feel like I have made God second in a lot of my life and mainly for fear of what he may or may not ask me to do however last night and today he has been speaking to my heart and I have to be honest when I say I am soooo glad he has! I have needed this renewal this word from him albeit came from somebody else it doesn't matter it was him none the less. Let me share if i may...
Several months ago well about 8 months to be exact I decided that if I wanted to have children I would be on my own and I would have to have a career that would supply the money needed to do that. I had always loved ciminal justice and was already planning to go in a field with that in mind and was full force pulling towards what I THOUGHT was where I was suppose to go. I had decided NOT GOD MIND YOU but ME that there would NEVER be another man in my life I would never be married again. hmmmmm isn't it funny how when we plan things like that GOD ALWAYS has a better plan? Anyway fast forward to end of Feb/first of march of this past year... I met this guy in a rather weird way but none the less met him.. had NO intentions of falling in love with him or anything GOD had other plans and for almost 6 months we had a long distance relationship. Strange for me because I really don't usually dig long distance relationships to be honest but for some reason this one was working. I at first thought he could be a great friend and than one day it hit me "I AM FALLING IN LOVE" with this man. I literally sat down on the grass and said out loud "SERIOUSLY GOD??? Your going to make me go through this again?" I mean hadn't i been through enough in my last marriage? didn't i have enough pain from that one? and weren't ALL guys the same?? I was at the park with brookie and ryan when this happened and it had been a hot day NOT a single breeze and than suddenly this huge breeze just hit me in the face and I hear God say as clear as a bell "JUST TRUST ME" so I decided to go with it. I trusted him and you know what I found out ALL MEN ARE NOT THE SAME! I think God may have broken the mold when he made chad OR maybe GOD just made him just for me I really don't know but this man proved to me and still proves to me on a daily basis that everything I THOUGHT about men was very wrong and they are not all bad guys. Since that day things just moved along sometimes it seems slowly and sometimes it seemed fast. I won't lie I kinda got so caught up in what was going on I put God on the side burner but my heart has been yearning to bring that part of my life back. He will let me get just so far away and he pulls me back in and boy am I glad! So I am back in GA now and sooo happy to be sooo completely in love with the only man in my life minus my brother-in-law that has never let me down. Matt and Chad are the only two men that have came into my life and never hurt me... Chad has been an answer to such a huge prayer that many times I honestly sit back and try to figure out why GOD felt i deserved this because I do NOT feel worthy at all. I am grateful though very very grateful. So since than I have been plugging forward with school and getting my job lined up here in GA and about two weeks ago I felt something changing and I really really questioned myself in wondering if maybe it was just me. I prayed about it asked GOD to make it clear and he did and now I realize that he has another plan for my life and it is a dream I have many many years ago but gave up on because I didn't think it would ever happen. NOW that dream can come true............My life is going in a new direction and I am ok with that. I don't have to be the most successful as long as my future children and my future husband and even more importantly GOD look at me as a success that is all I care about. Ive let go of doing it alone because GOD has supplied and I don't have too now. Last night and today the desire to grow closer to GOD has been even stronger and today I got up and was reading a blog that I guess I quit reading simply because it hurt for me to read it for so long but as I read it this stuck out in it.
It's from ANGIE SMITH'S blog "bring the rain" and she was talking about her daughter reading from her children's bible about the story of Babel. At the end of the story is said this " God knew however high they reached, however hard they tried, people could never get back to heaven by themselves. People did not need a staircase they needed a rescuer! Because the way back to heaven was NOT a staircase but it was a PERSON!" PEOPLE COULD NEVER REACH UP TO HEAVEN SO HEAVEN WOULD HAVE TO COME DOWN TO THEM!!! How profound a statement and it hit me in the gut!
All this all I have been through in the past 8 or so years the people i have had to remove from my life, the disappointment and pain i have felt and dealt with and the mistake I have made myself and there have been many it all comes down to this one thing "it is all about HIM" IT IS ALL ABOUT GOD! The past is where it needs to be it can't be changed,fixed or corrected and the present is right now and the future is in GOD'S hands I have to trust him and know that he came here for ME so that I could be there with him one day! While I am on this earth I need to live my life to the best of my ability, get my Bible out and start reading it again, praying on a daily basis and getting in church. Trying to live my for what he wants it to be and thanking him for all the blessing he has sent my way. For whatever reason he felt I was worth another try and he felt I deserved another chance to make my dreams come true and I am greatful and from this point on I will do my best to not let him down. I won't be ashamed that my calling is not what I thought it was but something else and I won't be ashamed of who I am. I am created in his image and I will live my life to make him proud. So I sit back today and thank GOD for all he has done for this wonderful man in my life and for the second family God has given me, for the friends that stand by me love and support me and for my mom,sister,brother-in-law and two nephews and niece and my aunt.wanda and granny. I am a blessed woman and it is time I start living like such!
I stand in awe at how good he is to me and I am humbled by his confidence in me and I will do my best to live my life to make him proud. Always,always and always!!!
***link to Angie's blog ***** check it out it's an amazing blog.
With Christ ALL things are possible!Francine
Friday, September 30, 2011
Recipe catch up....
So as I promised (a little late mind you but still I am here) to tell you what I was cooking and if it was a flop or not. So I am going to post from this past Monday till tonight to catch you up. I apologize for having to back track a tad but I have been sick and not been able to post.
So here we go!!
Monday September 26th- Chicken Pot Pie (compliments of my sister and apparently Aunt.Somer) Chad LOVED it 4 stars he said.
Recipe to follow.
Tuesday September 27th- Ranch styles chicken sandwiches, twice bakes potato's and salad.
Another 4star recipe Recipe to follow
Wed 28th=Homemade chicken noodle soup (amazingly awesome and 4 stars) recipe to follow
Thursday 29th- Philly cheese steak sloppy joes, potatos and salad (4 stars)
****Chicken pot pie*******
2 packs of deep dish crust pie shells
2 cans of vegetables NO POTATO'S
2 can of cream of chicken
1 can of cream of mushroom
2 cans of chicken breast in water
Mix everything in a bowl and microwave till hot.
Pour into crust half in one crust and half into the other put the tops on the crust and walaa.
Cook at 350 for about 45 mint.
Ranch style chicken sandwiches
Chicken recipe is found at under recipes
**if you have a problem finding it let me know*** note she did not make it a sandwich i did however and put it on bread and it was fantastic!!!!
Homemade chicken noodle soup
6 or 7 chicken legs
4 carrots
2 stalks of celery
1 box of chicken broth
small onion
self-rising flour
1tsp of salt
1/2 tsp of pepper
2 tsp of parsley flakes
1/4 tsp thyme
1) put your chicken legs in a pot and let them boil once they start boiling good go down on the flame just a bit and let continue to semi-boil for 30 to 35 mint.
***While chicken is boiling go ahead and make your noodles
It takes 1 cup of flour to two eggs. (that will make enough noodles for two people)
make a well with your flour dump the eggs in and gently mix together continue to knead till the dough is no longer sticky and instead smooth and pliable add flour if needed.
Let dough rest for a few minutes.
2) Once chicken has boiled for 30 minutes or so pull the chicken out and let the water continue to simmer. Pull all the meat off of the chicken and than put the bones back into the water to boil for another 45 mint.
****while that is happening roll dough out as thin as possible and cut into very thin strips. *****
3) chopped up carrots,celery, and onion.
4) after bones have been boiling for 45 mints go ahead and take them out (only the bones keep the water in the pot that is our stock for this soup) and throw them away.
5) Put in the carrots,onions,celery,and salt,pepper,thyme and parsley flakes as well as chicken broth into the pot of water and let that simmer.
*****Take a pot with some water and salt and let boil when its boiling start adding noodles. watch closely they will cook FAST... once they are done they will rise to the top transfer them to the big pot of chicken broth and vegetables*******************
6) Once the noodles are added put the chicken pieces back into the pot let simmer for 25 mint and eat.
Last recipe
Philly cheese steak sloppy joes
1Tbl olive oil
1 lb ground beef
1 small softball size onion
1 green pepper chopped
2 Tbl steak sauce
1 cup of beef stock
Salt and black pepper
1Tbl butter
1 Tbl flour
1 cup of milk
1 cup of provolone, shredded
1) In a large skillet add the oil and ground beef. Let cook for 6 mints browning , add chopped onions and green peppers to the skillet. Let cook 3 to 4 mint or until veggies are tender.
2) Stir in the steak sauce and beef stock and season with salt and pepper.
3) Let begin to bubble and cook about 2 mint.
4) Melt butter in a medium size pot on a medium size flame.
5) stir in the flour and cook about 1 minute.
6)Whisk in milk bring up to a bubble and let thicken about two minutes.
7)Turn off heat and stir in cheese.
Once all melted assemble sandwiches pouring cheese over the top of meat before putting the top of the bun on..
This recipe is from
great blog she has wonderful recipes check it out...
Ok that catches us up and I promise to be more accurate with sharing recipes...
if you have any questions let me know and ill try to help you. Feel free to comment and let me know if you like any of them.
Love and hugs,
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Taco Pizza with Kickin Sauce
Because lately I have been trying some really great NEW recipes and trying to make new menus based on what Chad really does or does not like I decided to start posting the recipes on here and sharing my thoughts on them. So from now on every night I will post about the recipe I cooked, Chad's rating based on 1-4 stars with 4 being great. The first recipe I am sharing does NOT have a picture I do apologize I took one with my phone but not my camera. However here is the recipe. It's amazing ...
Taco Pizza with a kickin sauce:
1 Pkg active dry yeast
1 tsp white sugar
1 cup warm water
2 1/2 cups bread flour
2 Tbl olive oil
1tsp salt
1) Pre-heat oven to 350.
2) In a medium size bowl dissolve yeast,sugar and warm water.
3) Let stand till creamy around 10mint or so.
4) Stir in flour, salt and oil. Beat until smooth and let rest for 5 minutes.
5) Take dough out and pat onto pizza pan depending on your shape and size how thick or thin the crust will be. ****be sure you grease the pan first*************
1 can of black beans drained
1 Taco seasoning packet
1/2 lb of hamburger meat
1 bag of shredded cheese
2 Tomato's
1/2 a head of lettuce
1 large container of sour cream
hot sauce
1/2 cup pizza sauce
1) Drain black beans and pour into a pan to heat. Once they are heating medium mash them and add 1/2 a packet of taco seasoning and let simmer. I added 1/4 cup of water while simmering to keep them from burning.
2) Brown hamburger meat and than add the other half of the taco seasoning to eat.
3) Pour the 1/2 cup of pizza sauce on the crust spreading out evenly, than pour black beans over that.
4) Next mix one container of sour cream with hot sauce of your choice you decide how much depending on how hot you like food.
5) Pour enough of the mixture over the beans to cover and save the rest.
6)Add the meat and than top with cheese.
7) Bake in the oven for 20 mint checking it periodically.
8) While waiting chop up tomato's and lettuce.
9) After pizza is down top with tomato's and lettuce and than drizzle remaining kickin sauce on top of pizza and eat...
The best pizza ever the perfect amount of everything...
Chad gave it 4 stars and I did as well.. it was yummy!
If you try it let me know what you think.. ALSO***if you don't want to make a home made crust by one that's perfectly fine!!!*******
With Christ ALL things are possible!Francine
Monday, September 12, 2011
Weekend Re-Cap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So this past weekend Chad was off work and as usual we spent pretty much the entire weekend together.. don't get me wrong I LOVE IT and could not be happier than when I am with him doing abosltuley anything. I know sappy and love struck probably come to your mind and that's ok because I am deffinatley ALL of the i say often "it is what it is" anyway Friday was spent with Chad resting and catching up on some sleep and a late dinner at Zaxbys YUM and a quick trip to walmart to find a "hunting harness" for my sweet country boy becuase he was getting up EARLY the next day to do some much needed manly hunting. Is it just me or do other women find it funny how hunting puts a man in his zone of happiness like well shopping for a woman does. Tooo funny!
The alarm was set the hunting clothes had been found, he was given STRICT instructions to come back home in the SAME condition he left in and at 4am bright and early "My country boy" hoped up and got ready to go do some hunting. I said a silent prayer for him well because I always pray for him when he walks out the door, I need him to always come back home at the end of the day healthy and safe. This time I prayed for that harness thing to work because I am telling you right now you he was going to be in a tree WAY UP HIGH and well he needed to stay up there safely. Oh and let me interject here i did fail to get the picture but GOOD LORD HAVE MERCY i had no idea a man could look that darn good in camo... back off women he is TAKEN! I am sorry i could'nt resist... i just HAD to say it! ANYWAY...... he came home safe and sound didn't catch anything but he said he saw a doe but she saw him first.. I told him probably what happened is the doe was thinking "hmmmm i feel somebody incredibly cute looking at me" "hmmm where is he i feel him but don't see him" and than wham she saw ya... you didn't stand a chance.. he laughed and said I was crazy and probably a tad bias I BEG TO DIFFER but Im telling you that, that is probably exactley what happened she was overwhelmed with his absolute total cuteness! just sayin... I did it again im off subject back to saturday..
So misty lynn came over to hang with us and watch the GEORGIA game. They did a lot better and I don't care if they didn't win I am still a proud Georiga fan! So we had some sausage sandwhiches, cheese dip and chips and good fun.. screaming and hollaring like we were crazy....acutlly that was me and chad, misty just looked at us like we were crazy.
Here is misty finally giving in and giving me my picture... one way or the other I was getting a picture.. hahaha
My nails all done just for the Georgia game.... looking all red and sparkly..That's just how i roll!
OH i forgot to add my absolutley beautiful niece Callie came by with her dad Jason saturday for a second.. made my day to get to see her and her cute little self... :0)
Have a good night yall!
With Christ ALL things are possible!Francine
With Christ ALL things are possible!Francine
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Project TOP SECRET has begun.....
So i am secretly working on obtaining some pictures that are totally ****TOP SECRET**** shhhh don't tell anybody..
The person im taking pictures of swears he hates having his picture taken.. hahah should have NEVER EVER told me that and seriously what fun is it to be in love with somebody and not take there picture..
So as I apply the colored hunting makeup and put on the camo clothes...i will slide under the bed wait patiently till I hear the slight snoring (ewww shoot i wasnt suppose to tell anybody he snores CRAP ok yall forget i said that ok..) and than i will quickly and as quietly as a cat snap and RUN!
Yall wish me luck if i get caught I am soooo DEAD MEAT!!!
Let the games begin.. poor thing doesn't even know what's coming his way.. I like to sneak up on my victims.. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
With Christ ALL things are possible!Francine
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Things I LOVED about today!
I decided it would be fun today to write about all the things that I just LOVED about this day so here we goo....
I loved that I got totally caught up on 5 of my classes and finished almost all my reading assignments.
I loved that first thing this morning I heard the front door open and than saw a very cute,blue eyed country boy peeking around the corner to say "good morning" to me.
I loved that I was able to get some rest today because I was up ALL NIGHT doing school work.
I loved that one of my BFF's got some great news today.
I loved that I got lot's of hugs and kisses (personally i don't think you can ever get enough of those but hey that's me)
I loved that the weather was amazing today...reminded me of fall.
I loved that Misty lynn brought me some surprises tonight and hung out with me for a while this evening.
I loved cooking a great meal for my sweetie and that he appreciated it enough to say "thank you"
I loved that chad was excited about me getting caught up with school work as i was.
I also loved that we had a talk about something today and he totally saw my point and was completely fine with what I had to tell him....
I really loved our down time, chilling on the couch watching tv and just talking. *I could do that all day and night*
I loved laughing so hard at misty tonight that I almost fell off the couch.
I loved my day ... it was was was everything I could have wanted and more.
I love GOD for blessing me with Chad and my friends and family. I am soo blessed and I LOVE that!
With Christ ALL things are possible!Francine
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Letting God teach me to be humble!
So here is my first post on my NEW blog.... I felt EVERYTHING needed to change because well everything in my life IS changing. God often teaches me things AFTER I open my big mouth and before I THINK about what I may or may not have said....Funny how he does that to me. Could be a lesson in there perhaps I need to think that through a little more. ANWAY back on track here...Recently I discovered that somebody had purposely TRIED to cause some problems in my life. Somebody I do NOT like and does not like me. I was mad... I was beyond mad..and my sweet Chad was NOT a happy camper either. Seems in the past few months I have had several of these types of attacks and although I try to move on and forgive I have not really been successful at this. This morning though after spending last night talking to someone about it and talking to chad about it and stewing over it I felt like GOD was trying to show me something. I ignored his voice of reasoning at first BECAUSE what he had to say well it was not really what i wanted to hear but I knew I needed to listen. So after Chad got to bed and the house was quiet I slipped into what will soon be "Our office" and listened.
" you have to forgive them ALL of them" really this is what you want me to do God SERIOUSLY??? I knew the answer did not even wait i knew what had to be done. So I asked God to take away my inability to forgive because frankly some of the people that have hurt me in the past few months well for me to forgive on my own it wouldn't happen however GOD in his merciful way was able to help me do that. I realize now that by forgiving them for what they did to me, no matter how painful it was, I can now move on and move forward.
God has blessed me so much that I feel being obedient to what HE wants for me is not something I have to really think through it's just something that MUST be done.
I do not understand the reasoning behind this most recent attack but I feel like there are some lessons to be learned in all of this. I want to be able to teach "my children" how to forgive and I can not do that If I myself can not forgive someone for hurting me. I want to set the example that Christ has put in me to set and I can not do that if I am living a life that will not allow me to be able to forgive and be humble. God has his reasons for allowing things to happen the way they do sometimes and although we as his children may not always understand we can rest assured if there is a lesson to be learned and we are willing than we can learn it. I want GOD to teach me all he can so that I can be all he requires of me to be. I refuse to sit and stew and get mad over somebody elses said attempts at attacking me instead I am moving forward and moving on and letting GOD fight for me.. after all he really is the better person at that anyway!
First lesson since back in Georgia now learned....forgiveness...humbleness and speaking my mind....well two out of three isn't too bad now is it! :0) I am so glad God loves me despite my faults!
With Christ ALL things are possible!Francine
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