Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekend Re-Cap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So this past weekend Chad was off work and as usual we spent pretty much the entire weekend together.. don't get me wrong I LOVE IT and could not be happier than when I am with him doing abosltuley anything. I know sappy and love struck probably come to your mind and that's ok because I am deffinatley ALL of the i say often "it is what it is" anyway Friday was spent with Chad resting and catching up on some sleep and a late dinner at Zaxbys YUM and a quick trip to walmart to find a "hunting harness" for my sweet country boy becuase he was getting up EARLY the next day to do some much needed manly hunting. Is it just me or do other women find it funny how hunting puts a man in his zone of happiness like well shopping for a woman does. Tooo funny!
The alarm was set the hunting clothes had been found, he was given STRICT instructions to come back home in the SAME condition he left in and at 4am bright and early "My country boy" hoped up and got ready to go do some hunting. I said a silent prayer for him well because I always pray for him when he walks out the door, I need him to always come back home at the end of the day healthy and safe. This time I prayed for that harness thing to work because I am telling you right now you he was going to be in a tree WAY UP HIGH and well he needed to stay up there safely. Oh and let me interject here i did fail to get the picture but GOOD LORD HAVE MERCY i had no idea a man could look that darn good in camo... back off women he is TAKEN! I am sorry i could'nt resist... i just HAD to say it! ANYWAY...... he came home safe and sound didn't catch anything but he said he saw a doe but she saw him first.. I told him probably what happened is the doe was thinking "hmmmm i feel somebody incredibly cute looking at me" "hmmm where is he i feel him but don't see him" and than wham she saw ya... you didn't stand a chance.. he laughed and said I was crazy and probably a tad bias I BEG TO DIFFER but Im telling you that, that is probably exactley what happened she was overwhelmed with his absolute total cuteness! just sayin... I did it again im off subject back to saturday..
So misty lynn came over to hang with us and watch the GEORGIA game. They did a lot better and I don't care if they didn't win I am still a proud Georiga fan! So we had some sausage sandwhiches, cheese dip and chips and good fun.. screaming and hollaring like we were crazy....acutlly that was me and chad, misty just looked at us like we were crazy.
Here is misty finally giving in and giving me my picture... one way or the other I was getting a picture.. hahaha
My nails all done just for the Georgia game.... looking all red and sparkly..That's just how i roll!
****Let me insert here...quickly I do not like this picture of me, CHAD always takes a good picture I on the other hand look horrible.. Im taking one for the team but I am sooo not happy about it. Misty will be over tomorrow and maybe she can take a better one for me. I am sooo NOT photogenic however chad looks cute ever flippin fair is that SOMEBODY tell me????**
Chad getting serious about the game... I do believe for most of the game this was his stance. I assumed a very same position I might add!!! There were many high fives in this game but at last we did come up short!
and that was our Saturday.....sunday was a rest and recoup day and I had a horrid migrain monday but we for the most part had another great weekend...How can you not when your hanging with one of your BFF's and the sweetest most wonderful boyfriend ever!!!!
OH i forgot to add my absolutley beautiful niece Callie came by with her dad Jason saturday for a second.. made my day to get to see her and her cute little self... :0)
Have a good night yall!
With Christ ALL things are possible!Francine

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