Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Catching up and my favorite blogs

I have no excuses for you other than life has just been crazy. Ending the summer, landing a new job, working on school it just was a lot for a bit there but I am better and back on track.
To catch everyone up: 
1)  I landed a great work at home job. I am so excited and start training soon.
2) Mr.C (that's what I am calling him now) got a new bow and a new tree stand. He is ready for hunting season. 
3) I got a library card and have been reading like crazy. 

Although that does not sound like much trust me it was. Just between work, school, new job stuff and etc its been crazy. Fall and winter are going to be crazy busy.
I am praying for (and have been told it is quite possible) a LOT of over time from work, I have a wedding, holidays and other things to take care of. I know Mr.C will spend a lot of time hunting which I fully support. He loves it and he works so hard he deserves the break for sure! As for me between work,school and some other projects I will be way busy but that's OK i like busy. :0)
Anyway I have no menu right now as I am working on making about 6 weeks worth of menus as I speak but I will share them once I am done. I wanted to share a few blogs with you to check out and see if you like them as much as I do. 



Check these out and I will be back... These are three of my favorite blogs...
Hugs and love, 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Late night ramblings!

Hey y'all! I am back...it's 11:47pm and I guess my body is starting to feel better and suddenly the shut down my brain has been in for the past three of four days has been lifted and my mind is going 90 to nothing! Soooooo that is good and not good! I have a ton of things to do as my niece bri is coming to stay with chad and I for the rest of the week ..oh and I am currently washing clothes because my LOVING fiance informed me "I would be fired " if I didn't wash clothes tonight..SERIOUSLY!! I lie not he really said he would fire me. hahah good thing I knew he was joking. Oh and than he tells me "your not allowed to get sick anymore" really now? hmmmm let me know how that works out for ya! MEN! 
So I am sitting in my office "THINKING" yes be scared be very scared! I have my emergen c packet out and ready to add to some water, I have had about two big glasses of green tea YUM! I can hear the tv as it's recording my shows that I will watch in a bit while I am folding the clothes and I am thinking about all the things I want to do for Christmas and need to do before Christmas. The list is long y'all I mean really really long! 
I am quite excited about some crafts I plan to make, and some other things I am putting into plan. Life is about change right??? I am working on changing things! It takes 21 days to break a habit....let's see if I can do it! 
I have got to get off here...I am just rambling anyway! 
See y'all!

Catching up from monday and tuesday!

Hey y'all! Yesterday and this past weekend I was horribly sick so tonight I am playing catch up!
First let me post my menu for the week.

Monday night we had Parmesan crusted chicken, garlic broccoli and whole wheat mac and cheese.
Tuesday- baked buffalo chicken sandwiches
Wed-Four cheese baked Penne with salad
Thur-Fiery chicken burgers and sweet potato fries
Friday- Grilled chicken
Sat-chicken and pineapple kabobs
Sunday-chicken tacos
Monday- Chicken noodles soup

I know not the greatest menu but please forgive me ....I have been so sick i decided to go as easy as possible!

Now for the thought for the week and the verse for the week.

Thought for the week:

God has what we need. It is up to us to decide whether or not we're going to let the worst of us get the best of us. ---Beth Moore (so long insecurity)

Psalm 20:1
May the Lord answer you when you are in trouble, may the God of Jacob make you secure! (NET version)

KJV says : The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of God of Jacob defend thee.

OK y'all there you go!
I am going back to lay down..
Love and hugs,

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I can think of thousands of things to blog about BUT tonight I decided to talk about my fiance! Whenever somebody falls in love you always hear "he is the greatest thing ever" or "the love of my life" or such as that. I will save you those little sappy sayings but I will say this. In all  my life and of all the men that have passed through my life none can compare to this man right here! I am blessed that God saw fit to put him in my life and give me a reason to pick myself up and move on! I do not always understand why things happen the way they do BUT I am assured that he DOES always have a plan!
 I so loved his plan this time! I so love this man! 

                                                                   Love and Hugs,

Quote of the week and verse of the week!

"Life is rough. It's also beautiful, but if we can't get some respite( rest or brief break) from its cruelty, we will never have the healthy vision to savor its tender beauty" ..........Beth Moore From the book "So long insecurity"

Isaiah 46: 4
Even when you are old, I will be the same. Even when your hair turned gray, I will take care of you. I made you and will take care of you. I will carry you and save you. 

what a blessing!!! 
Love and hugs, 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Link to recipes from last night!

Here is the link the recipes from last night's menu! i hope you enjoy them and enjoy reading that blog as well!


Love and hugs,

Monday, July 23, 2012

I am back for GOOD this time :0)

Hey everyone! Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend and a great start to your work week. I want to apologize in advance as I have been missing in action for a while. Life, that is all I can say is just that LIFE.....As ashamed as I am I just have been to caught up in it to stop and write BUT I really enjoy sharing my thoughts with those few who read it so I decided to come back and start back at it..I have a lot to blog about and a lot to just record so I don't forget things later down the road. So in order to do that I kind came up with a schedule for my blog just a little "theme" per say that I can kinda stick to and on certain days know and prepare a little in advance for what I will be sharing. This is what I am thinking...
Monday's-Will be my weekly menu schedule with a link to my health blog for any recipes I plan to use. Other than that just free rambling which I do SO WELL! LOL 
Tuesday- will be my quote of the week and verse of the week. I love this idea as it will help me to dive deeper in God's word and really search for things to share with you. I am NOT taking the easy way out on this I am going to be searching as I am doing my bible study. 
Wed-no plans as of now just whatever crosses my mind....that could be scary folks..just warning you! 
Thursday-Photo/no words of the day...other than a brief explanation of the photo. 
Friday-I will be talking about another blog that has touched me in some way and sharing there link with you so you can check them out as well as just sharing. 
Saturday-No plans open
Sunday- will be a recap of the weekend 

So that is what I am thinking..I believe this will help me because it kinda gives me a lean towards something and helps me round up my thoughts so I actually know what I am talking about. HAHAH! Organization. 
You know I thought "Capricorns" were suppose to be organized and stubborn I totally get the stubborn but what the heck????? Where did my organization go lately? All I have to say is whoever stole it needs to give it back NOW! Just sayin.....

So this is Mondays and here is my Weekly menu: 
Monday- Shrimp Greek salad (chad is off this is subject to change)
Tuesday- Chicken Breast Stuffed Parmesan and spinach chicken. 
Wed- Greek baked shrimp with feta
Thursday- Herb marinated chicken and roasted vegetables
Friday- Greek Burgers

***I just noticed a theme here Greek...oh well we are on the Sonoma Diet so we eat a lot of foods like that***

The link for these recipes will be posted tomorrow as I need to go over there after this and do some work on that blog but I will get it done tonight. You have my word. 

OK, now onto another subject I found this really neat thing on Pinterest YES I AM AN ADDICT...anyone else ?? Come on you know you love that site.... Anyway I wanted to share it simply because I thought just as I received a lot from it many of you might as well. 

Jeremiah 29:11 
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, Thoughts of Peace, and NOT of EVIL,To give you an expected end. 

Proverbs 29:11
A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it till afterwards. 

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. 

Ephesians 4:26
Be ye angry and sin not, let not the sun go down upon your wrath.

Ephesians 4:31-32
Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be pt away from you, with all malice:
And be ye kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. 

Matthew 6:19-21
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is there will your heart be also. 

Romans 8:28
For we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. 

Hebrews 12:6
For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he recieveth. 

Ok so there is you some food for thought... Hope you all have a blessed night! 
Love and hugs

Friday, May 4, 2012

A story.......IMPORTANT!

There is a story I would like to share in hopes that perhaps ONE GIRL will read it and take it to heart and not allow it to happen to them...It's not a story I have shared with many and it is not a story I am proud of but none the less it is a story.

There was a girl I knew she had very very low self-esteem, she had no confidence and she little faith in her self. She didn't think she would ever get married, she didn't think she deserved a man, she didn't think she was beautiful enough to have anyone in her life, to have kids, to have any of those dreams that she sooo greatly desired! One day this girl met a guy..he was cute, funny and smart he said sweet things to her, he took he out to dinner and he "romanced" her. She thought "he hung the moon" she was head over hills in love.....and she THOUGHT he was too. However the more she got to know him the more she noticed little things, one being his nonacceptance of what she physically looked like. All through there relationship he was constantly demeaning her, making her feel as if she was unworthy and should feel like she was lucky to have him. He lied to her constantly and blatantly did so. He would make her look like a fool to those who loved her but to her face act as if he "loved" her as much as she loved him. He often told her she MUST have makeup on because she was NOT pretty enough without make-up. She would hear all the time how she wasn't skinny enough, that good old saying "if you really love me than you would do ..........", she was asked to do things that were just beyond crazy against EVERYTHING she believed in. He knew she felt like she could do no better so he playing with her emotions, he verbally abused her, he physically abused her and he almost literally destroyed her.
I won't go into the details and I won't say who the person is none of that matters what does matter is realizing WHY it happened other than the fact that he is just pure evil, it happened because SHE did not have any faith in herself, man after man in her life had let her down, had hurt her in some way and she was at the bottom of the barrel in trying to pick herself up....she had NO self-esteem and he knew it, she was terrified he would leave her and he knew it, she was scared she would grow old alone and he knew it. He used all of that against her and almost destroyed her...eventually he was caught in his affairs and she finally left him. She walked away and it hurt it a lot but with the love of family and friends and more than anything GOD she was able to pull herself together and eventually move on. God,life and time heal all wounds!
She looks back on that time in her life and it saddens her that she had got so low and so good at hiding things from her family that they really had no clue what was going on. God has blessed her and brought someone new in her life and she is finally experiencing what REAL love is like. She is blessed now and getting stronger every day. However she still thinks about that time and what she would tell her nieces or any girl or woman that is being controlled,abused or mistreated by a man and this is what she came up with:

1) You are precious in the sight of the lord ...You are a princess and you should be treated as so. 
2) You deserve respect, demand it, expect it!
3) Never allow anyone to control how you feel about yourself! Look in the mirror remind yourself daily that you are wonderful,amazing, out of this world and you deserve only the best! 
4) If you are in a relationship where you are being physically abused,emotionally abused or verbally abused realize it WILL NOT STOP!!! They are not going to quit and eventually it could get very very ugly. 
5) Also realize you did not cause him to do it and it is not your fault DO NOT ACCEPT BLAME! 
6) Seek help! PLEASE seek help! Confide in someone and be brave..and know that even though you may feel as though your life is falling into a thousand pieces YOU WILL BE OK! 
7) Take time to heal, surround yourself with good people and God and move forward.  KNOW there are GOOD MEN out there! 

Love should never ever be about bruises, low self-esteem, making the person you love do things they do not want to do just to please you. Love should never cause fear and pain in such a horrible way THAT IS NOT LOVE!
 Love is a wonderful thing when done in the right way with a man/woman God has given you. Love should make you feel happy and special (granted you will have fights some times but they should never lead to you being hit) You are special and deserve to be loved the right way!

I know all this is true because this story was about me and just a tad of what I have been through and although i hate what I experienced and I don't talk about it often I also know that I will find a way to take something from it and move forward.  I am strong there is NO doubting that, I am important to GOD and I do matter. I will never ever allow another person to hit me or abuse me in anyway! I have a voice i have an opinion and I will be heard!
So in the end the abuse did not win HE did not win I DID and for that I hold my head up and I am proud!
Now I am happy to say I have a man in  my life that GOD brought me , I am engaged to be married and I am excited about life and I know I never ever again have to worry about a man hitting me or abusing me in any way!

 I have worried about what type of example I would set for my nieces because I want them to be proud of me. I feel like I have shown them that being a woman does not mean you coward down it means you stand strong, proud and you fight for what you believe in. I know that in the future they will all three start dating and I will pray that they will always remember what I went through and never ever go through it themselves. If I can stop just one girl, if I can protect Brooklyn, Callie and Taylor from ever being treated this way by being honest with them and open about what happened to me than I know I have made something really good come out of all that bad. That is more than enough for me!
I am survivor and I am damn proud of it!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Pray. Trust God. Go to sleep!!!!!!

I was just thinking over some things...yes I often DO think way too much but either way I was still thinking. I decided to check my facebook wall real quick and this message was on a post and it so stood out. I stress and worry so much about so many things when ultimately THIS this above is all I need to do. Sound advice and some I think I should take. I actually think we could all do well to take this advice. The devil KNOWS the buttons to push and he KNOWS how to push them I have to take back the control and give it to GOD or for the rest of my life the devil will be pushing those buttons. So tonight I will do the following PRAY, TRUST GOD and go to SLEEP! My life is in his hands and even when others may look at me and judge me or feel I don't live my life CHRISTIAN like enough that's OK I DO NOT have to answer to anyone BUT GOD!
I am soooooo glad MY GOD is so much more loving and understanding than those who judge me so harshly!  Tonight I WILL sleep...I pray you do also!!!!

love and hugs,

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Matthew William Lee--The little boy that changed everything!

I have a story to share with you about a young man that came into my life and literally changed everything about my life. He was a prayed for blessing a perfect distraction in all our crazy lives.. My sweet sister wasn't sure when or if she would ever get pregnant and yet I will always remember the pooh shoes that told me " I was going to be an AUNT" I will never forget jumping up and down, screaming and hollering and literally just being soo excited! When Matthew was born he came at a time in my life when I needed a NEW focus and Matthew was that focus...He changed EVERYTHING!!!
 Since than Matthew has filled my life with so much laughter, so much joy and such and awesome honour to be called HIS AUNT! Matthew for as long as I can remember has been the young man with the "beyond wild imagination" the " amazing knowledge of things I would never think to know so much about" the "uncanny ability to make me laugh when NOBODY else could" he had my heart in the palm of his hands and he still does. I have watched him grow from a laughing, silly, fun loving, kind little boy to this amazing man that just blows my mind every time I think about him. Matthew is wise beyond his years.....he has such a way of seeing things... of looking beyond someones faults and seeing the good in them, he forgives and he loves with all that is in him. He protects, he protects me and I saw that when my ex hurt me so badly Matthew protected me i didn't realize at the time how much until this past summer when I stayed in Florida with them..Matthew was quiet and didn't say much at first BUT than he would start talking to me about all kinds of things and he would say things about wanting to see me happy.. Matthew i knew would be a tough cookie for another man to ever be his uncle because he was so hurt by my ex. I worried when Chad went to Florida with me for my grannies funeral, I worried how Matthew would take to him and I prayed that Matthew would see what I saw. He did, he saw the good side and he let me know in his own way he approved. In all my life, in all I have done I pray that I am remembered  the most for being a good AUNT...

 I pray Matthew always knows how very much I love him and how very very proud of him I am. Sometimes I think about this past summer and the" missiles"lol that often just barley missed my head...I also remember the "shows" Matthew and I watched together..the laughs that sometimes nobody else understood but us. The talks and closeness that we gained. I wouldn't trade anything in this world for that time because Matthew and I bonded again.

 He is somebody that I will forever be proud of , forever admire and forever respect. Even as a young man he already deserves my respect and leaves me speechless when I stop and think of the wisdom he holds. He was my first nephew, the first all nighters when i spent the night to help out, my first nephew b-day parties, my first aunt things, my first heart strings pulled, my first everything as an Aunt and he will always and forever have a huge part of my heart! Matthew I love you so very much! I am so proud of everything you stand for and everything you are! I pray that as your Aunt I can make you proud of me and that you will NEVER ever doubt my love for you. You are sooo important to my life and I will always hold you close to my heart! I hope you have an amazing birthday! I will be home soon to see you ......I love you bubby always and forever!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

I will never forget how understanding and compassionate chad was when we went to Florida and as we mourned the loss of my granny....I will also never forget how this man with a heart of GOLD had the uncanny ability to know that asking me to marry him at the beach after just loosing my grandmother would take such a sad sad thing and turn it around to be a much sweeter and happy thing. I have no doubt my granny had something to do with that and would be thrilled to know that it happened just the way it did...
Because you are so loving, wonderful and kind, because you care more than anyone else ever has, because you listen even  when you would rather not, because you love God, because you love me unconditionally, because you accepted me for exactly who and what I was, because you have a way of looking at me and everything else just disappears and because you managed to win over my babies and let them see an Uncle can be so much more than they have ever known before...because you are the amazingly awesome man you are... I LOVE YOU!!!! ALWAYS,ALWAYS,ALWAYS and FOREVER!!!!

With Christ ALL things are possible! Francine

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wedding Talk.....prepare yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So in preparation for my upcoming wedding I have been looking at pictures and trying to make a few decisions...we are after all still in the beginning stages of all of this! I have decided on who will be in the wedding and that was a huge blessing to get figured out! I know the colors which will be red,creme and black tuxedos. We are still not sure of where and I probably won't announce that on my blog because I don't need the wrong people getting that information! So now I am looking at invitations--I want to make them, decorations, cakes and such! Dresses as well and I will share my ideas but not the final decision I will share pictures afterwards so you can see! :0)
Sooo anyway in the next few months there will be much discussion about wedding stuff please bare with me on this and understand folks I AM soooooo flipping excited to be marrying this amazingly awesome man! I AM BLESSED!
On another note-- i have noticed of recent there seems to be a trend going through the bloggy world of bloggers being just plain hateful to other bloggers. I mean I have read some seriously MEAN and HORRIBLE stuff! It breaks my heart to read and makes me want to be even more careful what I share on my blog. Because of that I have decided to fix all comments to where I will see them before they are posted and I will NOT accept anonymous comments. I have not had this problem but chad and I were talking about it today and he expressed concern as to me just watching my back just in case somebody decides to try and come after me for taking a stand on something or whatever. Out of respect for him I am going to up my security just a tad. I know though I have nothing to worry about as all my readers are wonderful and would NEVER do anything of the such!!!
Anyway I know it was boring but that is it for now!!! I will be out of pocket for the weekend I will re-cap on Sunday night..
love to you all,,,,

With Christ ALL things are possible! Francine

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Random weekend thoughts.....

I have realized that I feel like I kinda live in a little cocoon. My work is from my house, my school is and if I go anywhere I have my sweetheart with me usually! I like it to be honest..I feel safe and protected and I can't tell you how long it's been since I felt like that.

I LOVE my hair straight and chad does as well but I am thinking about putting a straightener in it because having to use a flat iron everyday is a pain in the booty.. I mean seriously 40 mint. to straighten it everyday. ughhhhhh

I love the colors, red and creme, pink and brown and any fall color you can imagine.. just think how colorful my home will be when we build and move. HAHAH

I plan tomorrow to revamp my office. From head to toe while my sweetie sleeps and by wed. have my store ready to open. IT'S about time don't ya think??

I love being an AUNT....I think about it often and I just love being one. My nieces and nephews are the most awesome kids on the earth!

I am going to start a new book and bible study.I am pretty excited about...It's by Beth Moore in my humble opinion you can't go wrong there.

I think I have some of the most amazing friends...Far and wide..I have friends that I can count on and depend on I am blessed.

I have my mom's sewing machine and I can not tell you how excited I am to start sewing..Wooo baby pretty things are to come.

Chad is off Monday and Tuesday THANK YOU LORD!! I LOVE my "chad days" that man just makes me happy...he makes me smile...he makes me ...oh sorry you get the point right!  :0)

I had a kiwi, spinach and red pepper salad today with feta cheese and raspberry dressing. Wooo baby talk about good!

I think the benadryl is taking affect and I  need to get off here.... so till next time!
hugs and love,

Friday, February 3, 2012

The BIG "D"

I have just finished reading the blog of a person I have been reading for a VERY LONG time.... when I realized due to circumstances in MY life I have missed reading for almost a month. I was shocked to discover that she is going through a very very tough time and has moved her children and her somewhere new WITHOUT her HUSBAND! Not because she wanted too but because HE did not want to be a part of there lives anymore. Folks this makes me sosoooooooooo SAD! My heart breaks and tears come to my eyes...I started just thinking over the past few years I know several (including me) women who have faced the big "D" and lives were shaken, hearts broken and children shook in such a way that it takes forever to just find balance in your life. **** I KNOW men go through this too I just don't know any men right now that are so DON'T leave me hate mail i will come get you if you do. Ha********
It seems so easy to say "I don't love you anymore I want a divorce, or I have fallen in love with someone else i want out"  it shakes you in such a way that you do not know what to do... how to go again, how to move or react or how to do anything. In my case it was absolutely without a shadow of a doubt the BEST thing for me but at that point in time my world was crashing! I however have been blessed enough by GOD to be given a second chance and now that I am engaged to be married again I know this time I AM marrying my soul mate but not everyone gets that chance or wants to risk it and try it again. So I am sad and heart broken for lives that have to start over, for hearts that have to mend and for tears that must be shed. I am praying for this sweet lady and her babies as they pick up the pieces and move on and I pray that God will leave her heart softened and knowing that HIS will is best!  I am so grateful that GOD gave me my Chad and with him my heart was healed and fixed and now I start again but I am also thankful because i know with him I am safe and with him my HEART IS SAFE!!!
This morning I will take time and pray for this family and really anyone else going through this...... It's a sad situation and its a hard thing to deal with but in the end there IS balance and eventually they will see the light.. It's there I promise it just may be a little hard to see right now...
God is always there always,always and always!!!
hugs and love,

With Christ ALL things are possible! Francine

It's been a while............................

To say the past few weeks have been some of the hardest AND some of the most amazing weeks would be putting it mildly in every way possible. As many of you already know and based on my last post my sweet and precious Granny Parker passed away and Chad and I quickly packed our bags and headed to FL to be with family for the funeral. Now let me just add right here I have known since the day I laid eyes on Chad that he was without a doubt the most amazing man I have EVER had the honour of knowing BUT this just defined that even more... This man stepped in and not only protected and watched over me but was there for my mother and family helping matt as well. Chad NOT knowing anyone as he went to Florida still found a way to comfort me, be there for my mom and make her feel like he had always been a part of the family AND show my sweet babies he will be an Uncle they will always LOVE! I don't know how somebody does that.....but that man stepped up and did it. I have NEVER been so proud of someone in my life. Often very quiet not saying much yet knowing exactly when to take my hand, when to put his arm around me, when to crack a joke with the kids, when to make mom laugh or my sister or bro-in-law...he just knew and he won everybody in my family over. I knew my oldest nephew would take the most because he was sooooo hurt by my ex yet Chad did it...he won him over. It just confirmed in my heart what I have always known God made that man FOR ME!!!!!
I am humbled and brought to tears and sooooo thankful for this quiet,strong,faithful and loving man!
Sooo after granny's funeral we decided to lighten the mood, we would take the kids to the beach and we talked MOM into going with us however the joke was on me because mom and chad HAD A PLAN!!! We went to the beach and we were having the best time.. mom was chilling on the blanket for a bit and the kids were playing with chad and I was taking pictures...suddenly Chad disappears. I asked mom where he went, she said he went to the truck and i am thinking 20mint later "did the man get kidnapped?" lol finally i turn around and see him. Mom while he was gone had said when he gets back why don't yall go for a walk and ill watch the kids..hmmmm ok...NOW I'm a tad suspicious but I will go with it! So we go for a little walk and all of the sudden he stops and we are looking at the water just chit chatting and the next thing I know chad is on one knee asking me to marry him. Let me just tell you there ARE things that NEVER, EVER leave your mind. Seeing that man on his knee asking ME to MARRY HIM I will NEVER forget that picture or the words he used to ask me! Of course I said yes and my ring is PERFECT! I love it! I was sooo excited and my sister was as well. Life had knew meaning. Such a sad start to the week yet such a sweet ending ........He did it again! :0)
Now that I am back home and trying very hard to find a good balance..... I'm still mourning the loss of my grandmother but at the same time I feel this STRONG desire to want everything in my life to be what GOD intended for it to be. Which means I have to make some hard decisions and honestly MANY people will probably NOT understand why I will do some of the things I will do. I feel that I need to remove some people from my life, I need to close some doors, I need to NOT feel that I have to chase people to be my friends, I need more than ever STRONG BONDS with family, I need to make sure I am the AUNT ALL my nieces and nephews deserve and the Aunt they can look up too. I need to follow my heart and take a leap of faith and go for what I feel GOD and I want me to do with my life career wise. I need to take care of myself in my health,spiritual,mental and any other way! Trying to find balance in a crazy world is not easy but I know I am getting there...I am figuring things out and I am realizing that it is time to be true TO ME! I have for far to long worried what others would think or that I wasn't strong enough, wise enough, smart enough or capable enough to do the things I really wanted to do. I gave up on ever being a MOM or WIFE because I really never thought it would happen. NOW PRAISE GOD I have been given a second chance and I WILL NOT let it go by! I will take it and I will make exactly what GOD wants it to be. My life starts with GOD and ends with GOD and in between there is Chad, nieces,nephews,family,friends,dreams,hopes,and Perfect peace.... I am undeserving but I am greatful.. Not many people get a second chance yet somehow GOD felt I should have one. I bow my head and raise my my arms to Praise him for I know it's only because he loves me sooo much! Thank you GOD ....
My promise is this......I will make GOD and Granny proud so when they look down on me and my family they can smile and know I AM OK!!!! Always in my heart and NEVER forgotten!!! I LOVE YOU GRANNY !!!!

With Christ ALL things are possible!Francine

Monday, January 16, 2012

How do you say good-bye!

Today right around 12pm I lost my grandma...someone I admired and looked up too. Today I also understood WHY I went home this past summer. I have questioned many times the events that took place over the past year and why I have be in the situation I was in and yet now I UNDERSTAND! God gave me a chance to make memories with my granny that otherwise I may have never been able to make. I was in Pensacola for the entire summer and spent many many days with granny..from just talking to her, to helping her with this or that really just whatever she needed me to do. I was able to make wonderful memories that for the rest of my life I can look back on and remember. I am SOOO thankful that granny found out and new that I was happy and ok and that she did not leave this world worried about me. She was without a doubt a wonderful grandmother and I am blessed that this amazing woman was in my life and such a huge part of my life.
Although I am grateful for all these memories there is still no way to really know how to say good-bye so I have decided just as I did with my paw paw that I won't say good-bye because one day I will be in heaven with them and I will get to see and talk to them again. This is not good-bye just I will see you soon. My life will always be touched by her kind words, her jokes between her and I and her always telling me how much she loved me. I am grateful now that God saw fit to take me home for the summer and give me a chance to make such wonderful memories with such a wonderful woman. These next few weeks will be hard for all us but we can find some comfort in knowing that she does not suffer anymore and that when she left she KNEW we loved her.
Granny I will miss the phone calls and the little jokes we shared, I will miss walking in your house and seeing all the pictures on the wall of all of us, of talking to you about this or that or calling you to ask a question about cooking something I will miss all off that and you so much! I love you and I am sooo grateful to have had such an amazing grandmother in my life. I will always love you and I will NEVER forget you !!! I pray that you will look down and see me happy, see me get married and see me have babies and know I AM OK!!!! Thank you for touching my life in such an amazing way! I promise my children will always know who you were!!! Go rest now and give Paw Paw a hug for me!!! I love you soooo much!!!

With Christ ALL things are possible!Francine