Friday, February 3, 2012

The BIG "D"

I have just finished reading the blog of a person I have been reading for a VERY LONG time.... when I realized due to circumstances in MY life I have missed reading for almost a month. I was shocked to discover that she is going through a very very tough time and has moved her children and her somewhere new WITHOUT her HUSBAND! Not because she wanted too but because HE did not want to be a part of there lives anymore. Folks this makes me sosoooooooooo SAD! My heart breaks and tears come to my eyes...I started just thinking over the past few years I know several (including me) women who have faced the big "D" and lives were shaken, hearts broken and children shook in such a way that it takes forever to just find balance in your life. **** I KNOW men go through this too I just don't know any men right now that are so DON'T leave me hate mail i will come get you if you do. Ha********
It seems so easy to say "I don't love you anymore I want a divorce, or I have fallen in love with someone else i want out"  it shakes you in such a way that you do not know what to do... how to go again, how to move or react or how to do anything. In my case it was absolutely without a shadow of a doubt the BEST thing for me but at that point in time my world was crashing! I however have been blessed enough by GOD to be given a second chance and now that I am engaged to be married again I know this time I AM marrying my soul mate but not everyone gets that chance or wants to risk it and try it again. So I am sad and heart broken for lives that have to start over, for hearts that have to mend and for tears that must be shed. I am praying for this sweet lady and her babies as they pick up the pieces and move on and I pray that God will leave her heart softened and knowing that HIS will is best!  I am so grateful that GOD gave me my Chad and with him my heart was healed and fixed and now I start again but I am also thankful because i know with him I am safe and with him my HEART IS SAFE!!!
This morning I will take time and pray for this family and really anyone else going through this...... It's a sad situation and its a hard thing to deal with but in the end there IS balance and eventually they will see the light.. It's there I promise it just may be a little hard to see right now...
God is always there always,always and always!!!
hugs and love,

With Christ ALL things are possible! Francine


  1. The thing that gets me is how someone claims to "love" the other person, but has no problem with lying and cheating on the other. If you can't be faithful and you can't see yourself with that one person for the rest of your life, DON'T get married or be in a relationship!!! Is all that worth the pain you put your family through? The mental anguish that the one who has been cheated on goes through??? I'm sorry if what I am saying upsets anyone, but I think that there is a special place in hell for liars and cheaters...

  2. Candy you make a very good point! Feel free to voice your opinion here anytime! EVEN if it doesn't agree with mine... LOL I have to say I do a gree I don't get it either. Maybe they foolishly try to convince themeselves that they won't cheat but like my mom always said "once a cheater ALWAYS a cheater"
